When and How to Use Facebook Live for Video Marketing

There is no question that Facebook has evolved into one of the most powerful marketing tools available. It’s a free service that allows any marketer with a creative mind and some basic promotional skills to achieve excellent results for their business in terms of exposure, engagement, and sales.


Silent Freeway

11/25/20203 min read

There is no question that Facebook has evolved into one of the most powerful marketing tools available. It’s a free service that allows any marketer with a creative mind and some basic promotional skills to achieve excellent results for their business in terms of exposure, engagement, and sales.

The revolution of live streaming

We all remember when streaming videos used to be the big thing in technology. YouTube started to become the most popular place for people to record videos, and then upload them for people to be able to find those videos and stream them at any moment. This was and continues to be a great marketing strategy that is extremely powerful and useful, but things have now reached a whole new level with live streaming.

The live streaming phenomenon

It has been over 3 years now since live streaming was made available to the public. This gave way to a completely new approach that allowed marketers to start getting optimal results. The level of engagement that can be achieved by live streaming is huge. The main reason is that people feel like they are part of that stream. They can send messages and the person or the people in the video can answer those messages and interact with them.

When should you live stream?

There are many important things to consider before you start to stream. Your target audience is going to play a major role in this decision. Some target audiences are going to be checking their Facebook page at different hours than others. Fortunately, there is vast information based on recent research and you can find lists of different type of online behavior. Finding the best hours to stream is very important, but this is just the first step to a successful stream.

How to create an optimal stream?

It’s very important for you to consider many factors that are going to allow you to achieve great streaming results. The following tips are going to make it easier for you to obtain very positive results from every single live stream.

Make sure there is a specific reason to go live

One of the biggest mistakes that live streamers are making lately is to broadcast live with no specific purpose. This is usually going to bore people and they won’t be interested in watching a video of you just saying hello or talking about random things unrelated to what you offer. You don’t need to come up with something extremely elaborate to do a stream, but you should at least be ready to have specific material that is either announcing an important event or future stream or talking about a specific topic related to your business.

Live means unpredictable

You need to learn to deal with the many issues that come from the use of live streaming services. You are going to have to develop a certain level of thick skin. This is important when dealing with people who might want to ask something inappropriate or start arguing with you in the middle of a stream.

You need to learn how to deal with difficult people and avoid any uncomfortable silence with your audience. These are both things to consider every single time that you start a live broadcast. Watching other streamers and checking how they deal with this kind of situation.

Always schedule your streaming

Create a schedule for your streams and stick to it as often as possible. People are more likely to want to keep track of your streams when you have a schedule that they can follow. This might be difficult for some people, but the more you are able to do this, the better. Always make an announcement apologizing if you ever miss a scheduled broadcast. This will give your audience a clear sign of your professionalism and that helps build loyalty.

Make sure that your internet connection is optimal

Nothing is more problematic for a streamer than having slow internet. You need to make sure that your streaming quality is optimal. The way your video image looks is a strong reflection of your business in general. This is the main reason why we recommend that you always get the best internet speed available for your budget.

Find influencers for broadcasts

There are many levels of influencer power out there and you could start by contacting people with smaller audiences. A good alliance with another broadcaster is always going to be useful.

Final thoughts

There are many ways to turn live streaming into a powerful marketing strategy. The most important thing is for you to learn to be in full command of your stream. Dealing with people, dealing with connection issues and scheduling your broadcasts properly are all going to be essential skills to master. The tips we gave you here are going to help you achieve results much faster.