Landing Page Optimization | Silent Freeway

When a visitor clicks on these Pay-per-click (PPC) ads, they are directed to a landing page, whose sole purpose is to entice people to take an action. Check out these 7 Landing Page Optimization tricks


Silent Freeway

6/15/20234 min read

laptop on desk with picture of ppc landing page on screen showing a sofa product
laptop on desk with picture of ppc landing page on screen showing a sofa product

7 PPC Landing Page Optimization Techniques to Increase

Your Conversion Rate

Every time you Google something, and obviously that happens a lot every day, invariably you encounter an ad that seems to match your query and it seduces you with an irresistible promise. When a visitor clicks on these Pay-per-click (PPC) ads, they are directed to a landing page, whose sole purpose is to entice people to take an action.

When done meticulously, this can be a very powerful weapon at your disposal. The landing page should be properly optimized to ensure that it’s PPC marketing campaign delivers on its intended objective of a better conversion rate. Here are 7 PPC landing page optimization techniques that will help you improve your conversion rate.

  1. Deliver what is promised
    Nothing angers a customer more than a landing page that does not deliver what is promised in the ad. When creating the ad and the corresponding landing page, pay close attention to the messages that are being displayed. The keywords and the phrases should be consistent with what you are promising. For instance, you can’t have an ad saying “Cheap homestay options in Honolulu” and then direct your visitors to a landing page that talks about “Cheap flight tickets to Hawaii.” There must be a consistency on your message on both the ad and its landing page. If your landing page has the relevant information that grabbed a visitor’s attention and what they searched for, then you will definitely receive a high keyword relevance score on your ad campaign.

  2. Be aware of your USP
    Visitors usually click ads when they feel that the ads are going to solve their problems or answer their queries. The key to a successful landing page is to answer the customer’s queries and to give them something that matches their requirements. Here, you need to focus on your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), which is basically the reason behind the existence of your landing page. If the focus on your USP is unfaltering, visitors will be enticed into going further into the conversion funnel.

  3. Eye Contact
    Imagine you are driving on a road and you see a group of people gathered on the side of the road. Involuntarily, your eyes will move towards the crowd and try and see what everyone else is looking at. This obvious piece of human behavior can be tapped into by websites and landing pages by incorporating a subject looking at a particular spot where you want to direct your visitors’ attention towards. This way you will get your audience to look where you want them to look.

  4. Customer Testimonials
    A useful tactic to attract customers in your landing page and subsequently move further into the website is by incorporating some customer testimonials on it. There are very few things as efficient in gaining a prospective customer’s trust than to read another satisfied customer’s reviews. Trust is the biggest asset that a website can have and it can be gained by providing testimonials, media coverage, and reviews and you will notice in no time, you have successfully boosted your website’s reputation and credibility.

  5. Time is Money
    Though a cliché statement, this is a tip which is backed by some solid research. Multiple surveys have pointed out that visitors expect a landing page to load in a minimum of 3 seconds or less. Based on this, we can safely say that your landing page has only 2 to 3 seconds to entice a visitor and a slow start on this front will cost you your visitor, maybe forever. No matter how interactive your graphics or how awe-inspiring your images are, if your landing page is not fast to load, all your work will be pointless. The key to hitting the nail on the head is by optimizing the page, especially the images and the graphics which take the most amount of time to load.

  6. KISS
    Keep it simple silly (KISS) should be the motto of every website, especially when it comes to landing pages. In an attempt to create visually appealing websites, designers sometimes tend to overdo it. An eye-catching image or an aesthetically beautiful page will definitely get you some “Ooohhs” and “Aaahhs” but they do not play a key role in the long run if the landing page does not deliver what it is promising. From the visitor’s viewpoint, design always comes second to the clarity with which the message is delivered. It is a lost cause if the page does not provide the message in a clear and simple way. So, a great deal of attention should be paid into developing a clean uncluttered landing page without the unnecessary distractions.

  7. Concentrate on the CTAs
    Continuing from the last point, sometimes the most common novice mistake that a website makes is trying to do too much with their landing pages. It will be much more beneficial to concentrate on your Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons and try to make them as innovative or quirky as possible. Your PPC’s message has done most of the important work and it is time to finally close the deal and this is accomplished by a single button. So, try and tell them clearly what your CTA button will be doing instead of just using vague words like ‘Submit’ or ‘Subscribe’ for every situation. Try and create a CTA such that the visitor is obliged to click on that button.

Finally, there are numerous approaches that a website can take, and there is no one size fits all approach towards creating the perfect landing page. However, understanding the significance of and applying the above principles will go a long way in helping you create a landing page optimized for a higher conversion rate.